Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blog #6: Thoughts on Creativity

As a student of advertising I find the subject of teaching creativity quite interesting. In my undergraduate courses, there was never a class dedicated to the creative process. So when I arrived at UT Austin for graduate school I was excited to hear that Creative Strategies would be a required course for our first semester. I found myself curious as to what the projects would entail and how exactly we would be “measured.” The class was interesting, don’t get me wrong, but the only thing it did was reaffirm my belief that creativity cannot be taught. The exercises, some challenging and stimulating, did not foster the creative thinking breakthroughs I was hoping for. I have never considered myself a particularly creative person. I would use the word observant. But there are definitely moments in my life that fostered creativity more than others (that class unfortunately not being one of those times). When I was younger I was a synchronized swimmer. This was, and albeit still is, a rather unconventional sport to be involved in. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the sport, but it is somewhat like performance art. Every aspect of the routine including the theme, music and costumes is developed from scratch by the team, trio, duet or individual. The freedom to design the routine allowed for some rather creative developments over the years some of which included, the “Cell Block Tango” routine (Chicago musical) and the “YMCA” routine (we wore swimsuit costumes of the Village People). This time in my life stands out as particularly creative because of the “creation” aspect. The task of developing these routines down to the smallest details with little guidance encouraged a creative environment. 

One of the things that I think is important in this situation is the lack of direction. Although, I do think it’s important to know the vital elements and limitations that need to be considered. For example, in synchronized swimming you are given the number of people you are required to participate in the routine, the time limit and the specific “elements” that must be displayed in the routine by all the members. Everything else is in your hands. This type of creative process is structured in a less intimidating way than just a clean slate. 

In the jobs I have held over the years, particularly the more creative design positions, I find this same method works the best for me. Without guidelines I feel lost, but with too many restrictions I feel constrained. I definitely gravitate towards working in groups in organizational creativity settings. I believe there are people capable of being creative by themselves, in fact, many people in their blogs my say that is what works best for them. In the group settings, at least in my experience, it is important for the members to have some “common ground.” There needs to be the ability to relate to one another in order to fully understand another individuals idea and furthermore be able to take that idea and add/expand on it with your own ideas. I believe that is where true creativity happens in an organization. For example, in school I had a difficult group project that stifled creativity when it could have thrived. We were tasked with creating a “branding video” for a company of our choice. Each member of the team, myself included, took the idea and ran with it. But, we all ran in different directions. When we came together for a meeting, it was, well a complete mess. This project had no rules, required elements, or common themes. It was just “make a brand video.” Since we had procrastinated as most students do, we were left with only a few options. We attempted to brainstorm other ideas and build off each other’s ideas but since we didn’t understand where those ideas came from, we were left with what I thought was the worst idea. (Creating a “taco porn” video about Torchy’s Tacos.) I am humiliated even typing that sentence. As it turned out, we didn’t do as terribly as I was anticipating, but needless to say it was not a “fun creative exercise” as the instructor had intended. 

This was perhaps one of the only times I felt that working with a group hindered my creativity. But as I said, I think the importance of a “point of reference” is essential to the environment and so is some semblance of “guidelines.” Each person has their own sense of what creative process works for them and I think we inherently know what will prove most effective. But this is where I think the group dynamic can provide an interesting platform for ideas as those creative processes we have developed can be applied to an outsider’s ideas (that effervesced from their own creative process). The “play on ideas” is where I often find the greatest insights. A theme that I think has been common in the Advertising world of creativity is the “think outside the box” type thinking. It’s about strange, out-there, unconventional and borderline crazy ideas. Like this ad for example... I mean c’mon? 

And in that regard I think it is about personal experiences. Every individual has a story. Some narrative that makes them unique and shapes their outlook on the world and despite even the most similar sounding situations, everyone has their story. This plays a large influence on what shapes your creative ability. You either can draw from your vast experiences to enhance your creative thinking or you can reside in your own imagination. Imagination is a gateway for creativity. It’s funny though I find that when you are a child everyone has such wild imaginations with outlandish hopes and dreams and as you become more educated, you slowly begin to be brought down to earth along with your ideas. It’s the people that don’t ever fully get out of their childhood mind that become the greatest successes in advertising. Here is a fun video that appeals to the child in all of us. This is of course just my opinion. Lets face it, what the hell do I know? Some more credible people have commented on creativity, a few of which I recall from that Creative Strategies course. Leo Burnett, a pioneer in the ad business, said creativity is “The art of establishing new and meaningful relationships between previously unrelated things…which somehow present the product in a fresh new light.” 

I recalled one of the books we read called Eureka! It Really Takes Years of Hard Work (a play on the “light blub moment”) made creativity seem more of a habit that requires practice. One particular business that I have found a tremendous amount of creativity in is the music business. The immense competition and pressure within the business I think has both a negative and positive effect on the creativity of the musicians. But the ability to write music that is completely original and for it to be so well received by millions of different people goes to show the immense power of creative thinking. Singer and songwriter Jack White shares some of his thoughts on the creative process and the demands that come with being tasked with producing something truly innovative.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blog #5: Visualizing Insights

During my first internship in Austin, I worked as a creative intern for a ticketing company. To build engagement online, they would have me create infographics about "rivilry" games, cities to visit (and the shows, concerts and games happening during a particular week/month), and of course event's in Austin like Formula 1. This was a fun blog post for me since I haven't created one of these in a long time! The insights about red meat were the most interesting to me because the men in my family have been changing their diets to avoid red meat due to the various health issues associated with this type of protein.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog #4: Personalized Topic Report

For the last blog we created our digital ecosystem. It got me wondering, of the content that we consume and the platforms we use to consume it (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, national magazine websites, national TV broadcast websites, or blogs/forums) how much of it is consumed via a mobile device? Looking at some of the other students Close To Me profiles, a few added their smartphone as things that they “couldn’t live without” or were included in the “what I care about” circles. Over the course of this semester I have become increasingly interested in the connection people have with their mobile devices and how that is changing the advertising environment. 

The advertising graduate program encourages the students to choose an emphasis. After my last two internships and the trends of the industry, I have decided to focus on digital media and digital metrics. This semester I am enrolled in a digital metrics class that features guest speakers from the industry each week. Earlier this year, one of the guest speakers who worked as a Digital Strategist at an advertising agency, spoke about consumer purchasing behavior on mobile devices. She expressed that mobile purchasing is still not a typical practice and according to a Mashable article in June of this year, less than 10% of U.S. Internet users are mobile shoppers. Additionally, it is difficult to track consumer behavior to determine what will help encourage these consumers to go beyond price comparisons and coupons to actual purchases on mobile. In such a digitally connected and mobile friendly world, I often find myself wondering why people are hesitant to make purchases using their mobile devices? This trend has grown over the years, and more and more people are taking the step towards purchasing things via mobile, but it has still not become a mainstream habit. The conversion rates are increasing gradually but true adaption of this behavior is yet to be seen. 

 We will check our bank account, share our personal feelings and thoughts on social platforms, spend hours browsing retail mobile sites and Google anything we fancy, but when it comes to the actual purchase we are still hesitant. There is a disconnect with the role that the mobile device plays in our every day life and the trust we have in that very same device (most people would say security is the largest concern with mobile purchasing.) Mobile phones have absolutely been integrated into the shopping experience and have been adapting the way consumers conduct price and product comparisons, utilize coupons and as an overall shopping research tool, driving consumers back to stores or to desktops to complete the transactions. A Google Think study shows the impact mobile is having on the shopping experience both in-store and remotely. But, they reported that of all the shopping activities the consumers participated in, only 19% used their mobile phone to make a purchase. 

How can companies develop a mobile site or mobile app that creates a friendly environment for consumers to purchase on their smartphones? Additionally, there are certain items that people are unlikely to ever purchase via their mobile phone, for example a couch, so other creative methods must be developed. If there is not a way to create conversions on the mobile phone, how are companies bridging the gap by directing the customers to go into the store, or to their personal computers or to call in and order the item? And how can they measure that behavior? In my opinion, I think this could be a great opportunity to apply the theories of this class. Key consumer insights regarding mobile behavior have helped lead companies create their current methods for combating this issue. There are certain companies that have created a pretty solid framework for creating a mobile integrated shopping experience (not necessarily mobile purchasing) with their consumers, some of which include Starbucks and Amazon. 

I am interested in digging deeper into the companies that are having success with converting customers on mobile. And what types of products are consumers willing to purchase on their phone? What types of motivations and incentives are there for mobile purchasing? There are still a lot of unanswered questions for me, but so far I have been able to find many studies and resources about this topic. One of my concerns is that the research on this topic will be grouped with tablet devices. Although I agree that they are similar experiences, I want to focus exclusively on the mobile (smartphone) experience, as I feel that is where an opportunity for true innovation lies. 
